Using Offsetdata for AI Training

Offsetdata offers a secure and transparent method for collecting, storing, and utilizing data for AI training purposes.

Data Collection

Data submitted via Offsetdata is organized into collections containing up to 1 million records each. This provides structured datasets suitable for training AI models.

Key features of Offsetdata data collections:

  • Immutably recorded on blockchain to prevent tampering.

  • Associated metadata provides context and descriptions.

  • Customizable access controls on who can use the data.

  • Ability to audit how data is used for training.

Enabling AI Transparency

The blockchain ledger provides transparency into the origin and characteristics of the training data used by AIs. This mitigates issues around bias, quality, and licensing.

Developers can validate that models are trained on ethically-sourced data from Offsetdata by auditing the blockchain transactions for the collections utilized.

Retrieving Data for Training

Users who submitted data or purchased access to collections can retrieve the datasets through Offsetdata APIs and SDKs. The data can then be directly used for model training and validation.

Offsetdata enables convenient access to high-quality, unbiased data to power more responsible AI development.

AI Safety

With data stored on Offsetdata, developers can better monitor and control how models consume inputs compared to scraping unknown sources. This improves AI safety and stability.

The structured data collections minimize training data poisoning attacks that could cause models to learn dangerous behaviours.

Usage-based Billing

Offsetdata charges only for what you use with no upfront costs. Access to data collection for training is metered and billed based on consumption.

This allows flexible scaling AI training without significant data acquisition expenses.


Offsetdata facilitates more trustworthy, accountable AI development through transparent data collection, auditability, and flexible access. Leverage Offsetdata as a secure data marketplace for powering your next AI.

Last updated