Status Page

This page provides real-time updates on the operational status of various services provided by Offsetdata.

Monitoring the status of these services helps ensure smooth operations and identifies any potential issues that may impact users.

Current Status

The "Status" section provides an overview of the operational status of all services. In the current state, it is reported that:

  • All systems are operational: This status indicates that all services provided by Offsetdata are currently functioning properly without any known issues. Users can expect normal operations and access to all functionalities.

Service Details

This section provides detailed information about specific services and their current status.


  • API Updated: The last update time of the API is reported.

  • API Version: The version number of the API currently in use is mentioned.

Email Service

  • Status: The status of the Email Service.

Smart Contracts

  • Status: The status of the Smart Contracts service.

Payment Services

  • Status: The status of the Payment Services.

Connected Blockchain Networks

  • Testnet: The status of the connection to the Testnet blockchain network.

  • Mainnet: The status of the connection to the Mainnet blockchain network.

Connected Databases

  • Status: The status of the connection to the Offsetdata database.

Chrome Extension Services

  • Status: The status of the Chrome Extension Services is not mentioned in this example. Any updates or changes affecting the operational status will be provided as necessary.

Frontend module

  • Status: The status of the Frontend module and landing page.


  • Status: The status of the support services.


The Services Status page provides real-time information on the operational status of various services offered by Offsetdata. By monitoring this page, users can stay informed about any issues or changes that may impact their experience. For specific services, additional details regarding the last update time and version numbers are provided. If there are any concerns or questions, users can reach out to the support team for assistance.

Last updated