View Collection

The View Collection Page provides a comprehensive overview of the detailed information and available options when viewing a specific collection.


A Data Lake collection serves as the entry point for creating a listing to sell data on the Offsetdata Marketplace.

In this section, we will explore the details available when viewing a specific collection.

To begin, please locate and click on the "Data Lake" button within the Offsetdata Application.

Below, we present a list of sections included in the Collection View menu.

Header Section

  • Company Logo & Name: Displayed prominently at the top for branding and identification.

  • Category Display: Visible category information showcasing the collection's domain.

  • Action Buttons (pre Marketplace publish):

    • Sell Collection: Allows users to set the collection for sale.

    • Edit Collection: Enables editing details and information about the collection.

      The About section is editable using Markdown Language. To understand Markdown Language, please refer to Learn Markdown with Offsetdata.

  • Action Buttons (post Marketplace publish):

    • Cancel Sale: Delist the collection from Data Marketplace.

    • View on Market: Directs to the Data Marketplace and presents the collection.

  • Collection Banner: A visual representation that signifies the essence of the collection.

  • Purchase Information:

    • Purchase Type: Indicates whether the collection is available for sale or not.

    • Price: Displays the set price. If the item isn't for sale, it shows as £-- --.

Collection Details Section

  • About: The collection description provided during its creation using the [Create Collection Service](to be added).

  • Dataset Information:

    • License: Specifies the license type (e.g., APACHE 2.0).

    • Records: Indicates the number of records in the collection.

    • Type: Nature of the data (e.g., textual data).

    • Chain: Blockchain network associated (e.g., Polygon).

    • Version: The current version of the collection.

    • Last Updated: Date of the last update (e.g., 20.08.2023).

  • Tags: Keywords associated with the collection for search and categorization purposes (e.g., Tourism, Beach).

Collection Menu

  • Full Collection: This button offers the option to upload a new version of the dataset file.

  • Collection Details: Dialog displaying read-only details about the collection. The information is categorized into three sections: Information, Blockchain, and Properties.

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or wish to provide feedback about the Offsetdata Collection View feature, please reach out to our support team at

We appreciate your feedback and are here to help with any inquiries you may have.

Last updated