
This page provides an overview of your API usage, costs, active and revoked API keys, as well as important metrics related to your API usage.

API Usage Summary

Cost This Month

The "Cost This Month" section displays the current month and the corresponding cost of API usage. It provides an overview of the charges incurred for using Offsetdata's API during the current billing cycle.

  • Month: The current month, which in this case is June.

  • Cost: The total cost, represented in the currency (e.g., £), incurred for API usage during the current month.

API Usage to Date

This section provides a summary of your API usage statistics.

  • Endpoints Used: The number of unique API endpoints used so far. For example, if you have made requests to three different endpoints, the value displayed would be 3.

  • Total API Calls: The total number of API calls made since the beginning of your usage. It represents the cumulative count of all the requests you have made this month.

  • Calls Today: The number of API calls made on the current day. It shows the count of API requests made since the start of the day.

  • Cost Today: The cost of API usage incurred on the current day. It represents the charges accumulated for API calls made since the start of the day.

Active and Revoked API Keys

This section provides information about the API keys associated with your account.

  • Active API Keys: The number of currently active API keys. It indicates the number of keys that are currently authorized to access Offsetdata's API.

  • Revoked API Keys: The number of API keys that have been revoked. Revoked keys are disabled and cannot be used to access the API.

Usage Statistic Graphs

Weekly API Usage: Weekly API Usage" section provides an overview of your API usage metrics for the current week.

Month API Usage: The total API usage for the current month, is displayed in graphical form. It gives you an idea of your API consumption trend over the course of the month.

Weekly Endpoints Usage: This metric represents the number of unique API endpoints used during the current week. It provides insight into the diversity of API calls made within a weekly time frame.

Total Success Rate: This metric indicates the overall success rate of your API calls during the current week. It represents the percentage of API requests that have been successfully processed without errors.


The API Dashboard provides valuable information about your API usage, costs, active and revoked API keys, as well as important metrics to help you monitor and analyze your API consumption. By regularly reviewing this dashboard, you can gain insights into your API usage patterns and take appropriate actions as needed.

Last updated