Buying Data

Data Buyer Documentation


On Offsetdata's Data Marketplace, data buyers can discover, purchase, and download high-quality datasets from trusted sellers. This documentation will guide you through the process of navigating the marketplace, exploring datasets, interacting with sellers, and managing your purchases.

Browsing the Marketplace

Explore the Offsetdata Data Marketplace with these key features:

  1. Browse Datasets:

    • Discover newly listed datasets, and popular sellers, or explore various categories.

    • Navigate through all available collections to find the datasets that match your requirements.

  2. Navigation Bar:

    • Utilize the left-side navigation bar to access your favourite collections and sellers.

    • Explore all data collections and sellers in the marketplace.

    • Use the "Ask AI" feature for dataset recommendations based on your needs.

    • Access the "Create Dataset" option, which redirects you to the Offsetdata app (Datalake) for personalized dataset creation. For data Sellers.

    • Check the system status to stay informed about the availability of services and ongoing processes.

Dataset Details Page

When you find a dataset of interest, visit its details page:

  1. Buy Now and Get Data Sample:

    • Use the "Get Data Sample" button to download a sample file showcasing how the data looks before making a purchase.

    • Click "Buy Now" to initiate the traditional payment process.

  2. Payment Process:

    • Follow the traditional payment process to complete your purchase securely.

  3. Profile/My Purchases:

    • View and manage your purchased datasets in your profile under "My Purchases."

    • Download the datasets you've purchased and access them for your intended use.


Offsetdata's Data Marketplace provides a seamless experience for data buyers to discover, purchase, and download datasets that meet their specific needs. Whether you're looking for popular collections, exploring categories, or creating your customized dataset, our platform offers a wide range of options. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team at

Happy data exploration and purchasing!

Last updated