Create New Collection

The New Collection Page provides guidance on the workflow for creating a new collection within the Data Lake feature of the Offsetdata Application.


Understanding how to create a collection is crucial for crafting a compelling listing on the Offsetdata Marketplace.

A newly created collection can be published for sale on the Data Marketplace at any time, making the creation of a collection a pivotal task for any company or individual looking to monetize their data assets.

To begin, please locate and click on the "Data Lake" button within the Offsetdata Application.

Next, proceed by selecting the "Create New Collection" card.

Following this, we'll delve into the two-step process of creating a New Collection.

1. Create Collection Modal

This is a web form that appears on the screen after clicking the "Create New Collection" card.

Please complete the following form fields:

  • Collection Name: The name used throughout the collection's lifecycle, such as on the Offsetdata Marketplace for collection monetization viewing and editing collections.

  • Short Description: Inform potential buyers about the dataset's utility and highlight its strengths using concise sentences.

  • Category: Use the drop-down menu to select the industry to which the data belongs.

  • Blockchain Network: Another drop-down menu for selecting the blockchain where the dataset will be stored.

  • Data Access Model: Select the preferred data upload method from the following list:

    • File Upload: Utilise csv, xlsx, and json files to upload data via the upload dialog.

    • API Data Stream: Within your application, employ the dataAdd API endpoint to upload collection data.

    • Subscription Based: Enable buyers to access your ongoing data updates as soon as they are published.

  • Action Buttons:

    • Cancel: Removes the form from the screen, and any entered data will be lost.

    • Submit: Saves progress, allowing us to proceed to the next step in creating a New Collection.

2. Collection Editing

Upon form submission, the entire collection list is presented, with the newly created collection located at the bottom.

Once you've located the new collection card, click on the "View Collection" button.

On the View Collection locate and click the “Edit Collection” button.

You can edit the collection by modifying the following fields:

  • Collection Name: Opt for a more appropriate name for the collection.

  • Category: Adjust the industry category to better align with future requirements.

  • Tags: Beneath the Category field, locate the tags field, initially populated with the "None" tag. Remove it and insert custom tags specific to this new collection.

  • Image: Upload a collection image for customers to view in the Offsetdata Marketplace.

  • About: Modify the previously entered "Short Description".

    The About section can be edited using Markdown Language. For Markdown Language guidance, please refer to Learn Markdown with Offsetdata.

  • Action Buttons:

    • Save Progress: Save current editing progress status.

    • Cancel Editing: Discard the editing session and return to view the collection.

Submit data to a newly created Collection

To upload the data file linked to the collection, follow the outlined workflow below, which guides you through the necessary steps for uploading data files:

  • Navigate to Upload Location:

    • On the "View Collection" screen, scroll down to the "Collection Menu" section.

    • Click the "Full Collection – Upload File" button.

  • Upload Window: Click the “Full Collection – Upload File” button.

  • Upload File:

    • Drag and drop the file into the designated green box, or

    • Browse files on your machine by clicking within the green box.

  • Action Buttons:

    • Submit: Confirm file upload.

    • Cancel: Undo the upload form.


We've covered the process of creating a new Collection Record and explored additional editing options such as adding a collection image, modifying its name, industry category, and about section.

Pro Tip: Tags are valuable for search, indexing, and efficient data organisation. Ensure you include custom tags to easily locate your collections.

Last updated