Sell Collection

How to Sell a Collection Page offers instructions on the process of creating a collection suitable for sale on the Data Marketplace.


Developing data collections and effectively marketing them are among the most important steps data sellers can take.

Create Marketable Collections


In order to publish a collection on Data Marketplace, please navigate to the particular collection card that will be published. Then click on the “View Collection” button.

The View Collection screen presents details about the current collection, including the collection name, category, image, description in the About section, tags, and other relevant information.

Below the category name, please select the “Sell Collection” button.


Create Listing

Find the "Sell Collection" button located beneath the About section.

Upon clicking this button, a modal will appear, offering different options for publishing a collection on the Offsetdata Marketplace.

Feel free to utilise any combination of listing options that suits your listing requirements.

The available options include:

  • Licence: Select the licence type that best suits your business model. For more information on licences, please have a look at the following available licences pages: CCO 1.0 DEED, ODC, GPL-2, APACHE 2.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED.

  • Region: Choose the geographic region that reflects your dataset content.

  • Version: The version field will be automatically populated.

  • Price: Enter the price for the listing or refer to Pricing your dataset page.

If you need to stop the listing process for any reason, simply click the “Cancel” button.

Once you have selected the appropriate options, click the “Submit” button to publish the collection on the data marketplace.

After Successful Listing on Marketplace

Active Listing Options

Upon successful listing, a unique identifier will appear at the top-right corner of the collection card.

Once the listing is active on the Data Marketplace, proceed to the specific collection card located in the Data Lake section of the application. Open the collection by clicking on the "View Collection" button.

Under the About section, you will now see two new buttons for options to "Cancel Sale" and "View on Market".

Cancel Sale

To remove the newly created listing from the Data Marketplace, click the "Cancel Sale" button.

Upon clicking on this button, a modal will be displayed that will ask for cancellation confirmation. At this point, there are 2 options to choose from:

  1. Proceed with cancellation: To initiate the cancellation, click the "Cancel Listing" button in the Cancel Sale modal. This action effectively cancels the listing on the Marketplace.

    Note: The collection remains accessible in the Data Lake section and can be relisted at any time.

  2. Stop Cancellation: To stop the listing cancellation at this point, click the "X" button in the top right corner of the Cancel Sale modal.

After a collection has been successfully delisted from the Marketplace, it is no longer visible to the public until it is relisted.

View On Market

To access the newly created listing on the Data Marketplace, click the "View On Market" button, which will take you to the Data Marketplace listing page.

Dealing with Errors

When attempting to list a collection, two types of errors may occur:

  1. No data errors: When a newly created collection lacks an attached dataset, the application will generate an error, halting the listing process. The error message will resemble the one depicted in the image below:

To prevent encountering the "no records" error, please upload a dataset by following the guidelines outlined on the Upload Data to a Collection page.

  1. Missing Information: If the collection description is not complete or it is missing its name, description or image, the error modal will be presented. The error modal will look like the one in the image below:

To prevent the "no image" error, ensure to upload a collection image following the guidelines provided in the Image section of the Edit a Collection page.

Last updated