Blockchain As Storage

Blockchain as Storage with Offsetdata:

Offsetdata empowers users to leverage the inherent security and immutability of blockchain technology for data storage. Our comprehensive API suite and full Software Development Kit (SDK) provide seamless integration for storing data on multiple blockchains. Currently, Offsetdata supports Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Camino Network, Base Chain, Avalanche, and Optimism.


Blockchain as storage offers a robust solution for securing and validating data through the decentralized and tamper-resistant nature of blockchain networks. Offsetdata facilitates this process by allowing users to hash their data and store the resulting hash on a selected blockchain. Additionally, the original data is securely stored within Offsetdata's infrastructure, ensuring compliance, redundancy, and distributed resilience

Key Features

1. Hashing and Storage

Offsetdata enables users to hash their data, creating a unique cryptographic fingerprint (hash), which is then stored on the chosen blockchain. This process ensures data integrity and provides a secure reference point on the decentralized ledger. Users can validate the submitted hash and cryptographic fingerprint to verify the integrity and authenticity of the stored data.

2. Green Storage Mechanism

The original data is securely stored in Offsetdata's serverless infrastructure, introducing redundancy and streamlining efficient retrieval. This green storage mechanism takes a step further in environmental responsibility, allowing users to minimize their carbon footprint by reducing infrastructure overhead. With a serverless model, computing resources are utilized only when necessary, reducing overall energy consumption and minimizing waste compared to constantly running systems. This approach seamlessly blends the advantages of decentralized blockchain storage with the efficiency of a green serverless architecture.

3. Querying and Verification

When users query the API for stored data, Offsetdata facilitates the retrieval of both the hash from the blockchain and the original data from our database. This allows users to not only read the data but also verify its authenticity and integrity using the blockchain-stored hash.

4. Immutability and Tracking

The use of blockchain as storage introduces immutability to data records. Each hash stamped on the blockchain serves as a unique identifier, making it possible to track any edits or modifications to the data. This feature ensures a transparent and unalterable record of stored information.

5. Trusted Data Sets

Offsetdata's approach to blockchain-based storage ensures the creation of trusted data sets. By combining blockchain immutability with our dual storage mechanism, users can rely on the integrity and authenticity of their stored data.


Blockchain as storage with Offsetdata provides a powerful solution for enhancing the security, immutability, and transparency of stored data. By leveraging our API suite and SDK, users can seamlessly integrate blockchain storage capabilities into their applications, ensuring the creation of trusted and unalterable data sets.

Last updated