Custom Data License Documentation


Offsetdata's Data Marketplace empowers data sellers to define and apply custom licenses to their datasets, allowing for flexibility and transparency in data transactions. This documentation provides a guide on how to create and apply custom data licenses to your datasets, ensuring that both sellers and buyers have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions associated with the data.

  1. Define License Terms:

    • Clearly articulate the terms and conditions of the license.

    • Specify permitted uses, restrictions, and any other relevant clauses.

  2. Set Duration and Renewal Options:

    • If applicable, specify the duration of the license.

    • Indicate whether the license can be renewed and any renewal conditions.

  3. Geographic Coverage:

    • Define the geographic coverage to clarify where the data can be used.

  4. Attach to Dataset:

    • After creating the custom license, send it to us at and we will attach it to your listing.

Displaying Custom License on Marketplace

  1. Listing Datasets with Licenses:

    • When listing your dataset on the Offsetdata Data Marketplace, select the custom license you created for that dataset.

  2. Buyer Visibility:

    • Buyers can view the associated license for each dataset before making a purchase decision.

  3. License Information Page:

    • Offsetdata provides a dedicated page where buyers can review the details of the custom license associated with a specific dataset.

Understanding Custom Licenses

  1. Buyer Awareness:

    • Buyers are made aware of the custom license terms before making a purchase.

  2. License Agreement Acceptance:

    • Buyers must acknowledge and accept the terms of the custom license during the purchasing process.

  3. Accessing License Post-Purchase:

    • Once a dataset is purchased, the buyer can access and review the custom license terms in their profile under "My Purchases."


Custom Data Licenses on Offsetdata's Data Marketplace empower data sellers to tailor licensing agreements to their specific needs. This feature enhances transparency and facilitates smoother transactions by ensuring that both parties clearly understand the terms and conditions associated with each dataset. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to explore our Help Center or contact our support team. Happy data licensing!

Last updated