Data Offsetting

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions for submitting data to the available blockchains, including the classification of data into different categories before submission.


This functionality simplifies the process of transmitting data to the blockchain, thereby minimizing barriers and lowering friction.

Compared to the Data Lake application feature, which supports larger and structured datasets such as csv files, Data Offsetting is beneficial for handling smaller, less formally structured data.

Key Features

  • Data Classification: Offers predefined data classification options such as CO2 Emissions, Energy Usage, Medical Records, etc.

  • Custom Data Classification: If the predefined categories are insufficient, users can create their own classifications to align with their business needs.

  • Chrome Extension Integration: Data from the Offsetdata Chrome Extension can be seamlessly submitted to the blockchain using a pre-filled submission form.

  • Custom References: Users can add custom references that remain associated with the data.

  • Notes: Users can include useful notes within the blockchain data record.

  • Blockchain Selection: Offsetdata offers a diverse range of blockchain options to cater to various requirements.

  • Speed: Provides a straightforward and rapid method for storing data on the blockchain without complex forms and protocols.


  1. Navigate to the "Data Offsetting" button located on the left-hand side of the Offsetdata Application's navigation bar.

  2. Choose from the available predefined data classification options.

  3. Complete the data submission form by supplying the following information:

    • Form Reference: User-defined reference for the form.

    • Record: Data intended for the blockchain.

    • Notes: Pertinent notes linked to the data.

    • Visibility: Choose between public availability or privacy for the data.

    • Zero Knowledge Proof: Enable or disable the Zero Knowledge Proof option.

    • Blockchain Selection: Choose the preferred blockchain option.

    • Record Number: This field is autogenerated.

  4. Select the "Submit Data" button to proceed.


The outlined workflow empowers Offsetdata's users to securely and swiftly submit data to the blockchain.

This streamlined process eliminates bottlenecks, preserving work momentum and reducing friction.

Should you have any inquiries or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at

Happy private and public data storage!

Last updated